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Oral Surgery, TMJ, and Pain Management in Richmond


Many of our patients have surgical needs. Dr. Liliana Janer, Dr. Pablo Janer and Dr. Rivera are well versed in many surgical procedures.  Richmond Landing Family Dentistry offers a variety of surgical treatment including removal of wisdom teeth, biopsy for most diseases of the soft tissue, bone grafting associated with removal of teeth and bone loss, and of course, dental implants. We have an in-house Cone Beam CT that is used in the evaluation of diseases of the bone, TMJ, and in endodontic (root canal) diagnosis and in the preparation for implant placement.



There are many reasons for TMJ discomfort.  Some of the factors associated with chronic jaw pain include:  incorrect bite, muscle fatigue, grinding and clenching, and degenerative diseases of the TMJ. At Richmond Landing Family Dentistry we provide a comprehensive approach to pain management that may include the fabrication of custom night guards (occlusal guards), limited and comprehensive occlusal equilibration (bite balancing), Botox injections, and comprehensive prosthetic rehabilitation. Dr. Liliana Janer, Dr. Pablo Janer and Dr. Llelenys Rivera are well-versed in the treatment of these ailments.

Image by Bofu Shaw
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